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OEM: 5321450-28, Warner 5217-2, 5217-46
SKU: 2302143EN / 5321450-28 / AY145028EN
AYP Ariens Husqvarna Raleigh Sears Roper Etesia Simplicity Electric Clutch
Warner 5217-2, 5217-46 should be on the old clutch****
Replaces 5321450-28
Example of models: yth170 / yth150 / yth160 / lth140 / lth130 etc
YTH170, HFYTH170E, 954820131, 2001-01
YTH150, HCYTH150B, 954880011, 1..
In Stock: 8
OEM: 717-3385A, 717-3385B,917-3385A, 917-3385B / 5217-42 / 5217-14
SKU: 2302042EN / ESES5174
Ride on Warner Electric Clutch 5217-42 / 5217-14
Will fit brands using this exact clutch
Original Warner part suitable for many MTD & Cub Cadet models including:
2000 Series, 2130, 2135, 2143, 2150, 2155, 2166, GT2542.
Height 89mm, fits shaft 25.4mm
In Stock: 3
OEM: 464115, 514876, 663514876, 5217-4
SKU: 2302035EN
Electromagnetic clutch AL-KO for micro tractors, T17-102HD - H: 88mm, Ø int: 25,4mm, Ø: pulley 133mm. Resistance: 7.7 Ohm. Replaces original: 464115, 514876 -(Warner 5217-4).Replaces AL-KO: 514876 - DOLMAR: 663514876..
In Stock: 3
OEM: 5217-45, 5217-89, 118399063/0,118399061/0
SKU: **2309347EN / 33-1161AS
Genuine Castel Mountfield GGP NJ92 & Castelgarden XG140HD post 2007 Electric Clutch & John Deere LR135F Electric Warner Clutch 5217-45, 5217-89 Mountfield T38M-SD TRE 0701 2T3244436/BQHeight: 88 mm - Dia 25.4 mm / 1.33 mmCASTELGARDEN 18399061/0, 18399063/0, 118399061/0, ..
In Stock: 4
OEM: 5217-31, 5217-41, 1134-7430-01, 1134-5673-01
SKU: 2309332EN
Electromagnetic clutch for STIGA - H: 101mm, Ø int: 25,4mm, Ø: pulley : 152mm - (Warner 5217- 31), Replaces original : 1134-7430-01, 1134-5673-01
Designed forPark Prestige 4WD, Park Pro 16-20-25 4WDTypeWarner 5217-31,Warner 5217-41..
In Stock: 1
OEM: Warner 5215-43 or 5215-169, AM123123
SKU: 2309366EN / 10-15195EN
Electromagnetic Blade Clutch (WARNER 5215-43 or 5215-169)) for JOHN DEERE Mowers models GS25, GS30, GS45, GS75, HD45, HD75, LX186, 180. Replaces original: AM123123...
In Stock: 3
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)